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Project Management and Innovation Impact Measurement

D1.10 OPEN CALL PACKAGE for IT Applications Experiments

This deliverable gathers all the documents issued by the BEinCPPS consortium for the 1st Call for Proposals for IT Applications Experiments. The call for proposal opened on May 2nd 2016 and closed on June 15th 2016. The information provided to the applicants is included in the following documents:

  1. BEinCPPS Call-1 Introduction: This document presents information about BEinCPPS project, the topics of the call, the available budget and general information about the call

  2. BEinCPPS Proposal guide: This document presents submission details, eligibility and evaluation criteria.

  3. BEinCPPS Experimental facilities: This document presents details on the experimental facilities available to test the applications.

  4. BEinCPPS Call 1 template: This document is a template of the proposal

D1.11 OPEN CALL PACKAGE CPPS Equipment Assessment Experiments

This deliverable gathers all the documents issued by the BEinCPPS consortium for the 2st Call for Proposals for CPPS Equipment Assessment Experiments. The call for proposal opened on November 2nd 2016 and closed on December 15th 2016. The information provided to the applicants is included in the following documents:

  1. BEinCPPS Call-2 Guide for Applicants: This document presents information about BEinCPPS project, the topics of the call, the available budget, submission details, eligibility and evaluation criteria.

  2. BEinCPPS Architecture: This document presents the architecture of the BEinCPPS platform, specifying the open source components included in the different blocks.

  3. List of components: This document presents a list of the components included in the architecture and provides the applicants with a link for further information on each component.

  4. BEinCPPS Call 2 template: This document is a template of the proposal

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Federated Platform Architecture, Integration and Testing

D2.1 BEinCPPS Architecture and Business Processes

The definition and discussion of the architectural approach for the BEinCPPS platform is an important step for the project. This document summarizes the work on the architecture definition: it is the first version of and provides the basis for the implementation of federations of service architectures. The deliverable introduces the BEinCPPS-Platform modular architecture as an instantiation of the BEinCPPS-Arch reference architecture. This modular platform is a composition of the most relevant state of the art software assets into a federation of platforms, according to the project’s original concept and covering the design and development phases, as well as the deployment and operational ones. Therefore, the BEinCPPS architecture melds and tries to harmonize assets covering the whole value chain related to the set-up and operation of manufacturing.

D2.2 - BEinCPPS Architecture & Business Processes

This document reports about the second and final version of BEinCPPS Architecture and Business Processes. In this new version we define a BEinCPPS-specific approach to system design, which is a key element of the overall BEinCPPS value proposition. To this goal, two main aspects are taken into account: changes in the technology landscape occurred after the first release and lessons learned during the implementation and execution of the CPPS experiments.

D2.3 IoT Platform Federation

This deliverable introduces the IoT platform federation of the BEinCPPS architecture that enables capturing data from the shopfloor (field) and provide them to the other levels (factory, cloud), across the different world (real, digital, virtual). The components described in this deliverable constitute the basis for building the experimentation within each champion site. For this reason not only the foreground components developed specifically within the BEinCPPS framework is introduced, but also the background ones inherited from previous FP7 (FIWARE, Fitman), ongoing H2020 projects or provided by BEinCPPS partners.

D2.4 - IoT Platform Federation

Deliverable D2.4 updates and finalizes the work introduced in deliverable D2.3 with respect to the IoT platform federation. The information reported in this deliverable takes into account the significant restructuring and rationalization of the BEInCPPS architecture reported in D2.2. Therefore, as compared to the previous D2.3 version, this document takes into account the outcomes reported in D2.2 and describes the new, or revised, components as compared to the ones reported in D2.3.

D2.5 Future Internet Platform Federation

The Future Internet (FI) Platform represents, together with the Smart Systems Platform and the IoT Platform, the core IT proposition of the BEinCPPS project, around which the five regional champions are going to design their own IT architecture for CPPS business experiments. This document describes the FI Platform as a whole, its software components and their internal integration. It is intended as a guide for system architects and software developers.

D2.6 - FI Platform Federation

Deliverable D2.6 is the second and final release of the Future Internet (FI) Platform prototype. It improves over the first version taking into account deliverable. D3.7 “Technical evaluation, lessons learned, recommendations”.
The document focuses on new or improved components. Additionally Value Added Services (VAS) are described.

D2.7 Smart Systems Platform Federation

This document reports on the individual components identified on the Field Level in the BEinCPPS Reference Architecture. The Field Level is the lowest level in the architecture, encompassing both hardware and software components. Embedded systems (field computation) and real-time networks (field communication) are the two main topics covered on this level. A separation of the components with respect to availability will be presented in the deliverable. A selection of the field level components is available as open source, whereas components coming from industrial companies will be provided as proprietary hardware and on software level only binary versions. Finally, the deliverable provides guidelines and motivation for the potential technology users for selecting and applying the identified technologies in their applications.

D2.8 - Smart Systems Platform Federation

This document reports on the individual foreground component on the Field Level in the Reference Architecture. Embedded systems (field computation, logic) and real-time networks (field communication, wired and wireless) are the two main topics covered on this level.

D2.9 Integrated BEinCPPS platform federation

Aim of this deliverable is to accompany and explain the deployment and testing exercise to prove the correctness of the technical solutions enabling the data flow across the integrated layers. In particular, two integration solutions have been conceived, implemented and tested in order to prove how data can flow across two channels, called the FAST and the SMART Lanes, of the BEinCPPS architecture. The technical integration solutions presented in this document are offered to the Champions that selected and adapted one of them to their specific experiments.

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Real-Digital-Virtual World Components Deployment

D3.1 Real World BEinCPPS Components

The present document aims to introduce and describe the deployment of Real World components selected by the different regional ecosystems as relevant for their respective use cases. The described task provides the support for general deployment of the components in real life applications, only focusing on real world components without interaction with the rest of the BEinCPPS architecture layers. However, these components and deployments are designed to fit with digital world through the selection of compatible APIs, or communication protocols that are interoperable with digital world components.

D3.2 - Real World BEinCPPS Components

The present document describes the deployment of Field level components selected and included in the implementation perspective of the BEinCPPS architecture, and corresponds to the second iteration of these deployments, introducing the assets not deployed previously, and updating where possible the assets shown in the first release of this document.

D3.3 Digital World BEinCPPS Components

This document reports about the creation of a Common Cloud Environment (CCE) for the deployment of the full set of DW components. In particular, it explains the rationale for the CCE existence and how the CCE is the result of the federation of three distinct physical computing infrastructures operated by BEinCPPS partners. Moreover, it provides details about the deployment of each individual DW component and gives an overview of the public interfaces for the integration of the DW with the Field (RW Gateways) and with manufacturing applications (DW APIs). As a conclusion, this document gives an overview of the roadmap of the DW towards the second part of the project, when a second and final round of deployments will take place.

D3.4 - Digital World BEinCPPS Components

This D3.4 deliverable is the second and final deployment of the BEinCPPS software components belonging to the Digital World (DW) – i.e., the IT infrastructure supporting the execution of “Cyber” side of Cyber-Physical Production Systems. The present document reports about updates to the Common Cloud Environment (CCE) and about the online availability of Value Added Services (VAS). Only relevant changes with respect to the first release have been reported here.

D3.5 Virtual World BEinCPPS Components

The Virtual World includes those components that use data from the real world to create virtual representations of the CPPS-based systems, both at design time and later, when collaborative environments can be created to visualize alternative representations of the production environment and of the product. In the case of the design-time components, that are all desktop applications aimed at being used by engineers to design CPS-based systems and systems of systems, the deployment of the components has been done at Competence Centers (CCs) premises, where these tools have been installed and studied, acquiring competences that are used by the CCs to support the Champions (CHs) in the creation of models of the systems they are going to develop as part of their experiments. CCs, for this first round of experimentations, concentrated their attention on a variety of tools, spamming from high-level design of processes and architectures, to data model design and finally to design of embedded systems that can be executed in the run-time part of the architecture.

D3.6 - Virtual World BEinCPPS Components

This document focusses on the report  of the deployment and experimentation activities on design tools that have been conducted in the last period, both concerning new tools or existing ones, on which the Competence Centers have conducted new experiments or completed running ones.

D3.7 Technical evaluation, lessons learned, recommendations

This deliverable aims at drawing the lessons learned and recommendations which stem from the experiments performed in BEinCPPS Champion regions during the first project 18 months iteration, from M01 (November 2015) to M18 (April 2017).

The document focuses on the following four research questions:

  • Q1: What is the user satisfaction of the experiments performed?

  • Q2: What are the lessons learned acquired during the CPPS-ization experiments by the Champions, that can be transferable to other companies, especially SMEs?

  • Q3: How well do the IT artifacts of the BEinCPPS platform used in the Champions deployment perform?

  • Q4: What suggestions can be given to technology providers of the BEinCPPS components and tools?

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The Lombardy CPPS experimentation

D4.5 Lombardy Regional Ecosystem Business Assessment and Recommendations

D4.5 report will contribute to the deliverables of work package 4 of the second half of the Project. It  refers to the experiment implemented in the Lombardy Champion: a Portable Testing Unit to perform Statistical Quality Check on Microwave Ovens and Refrigerators. In particular, This document addresses the transformation towards CPS of the current ZHQ system at Whirlpool, that will allow the usage of mobile testing stations, enhanced operator interaction and auto-reconfiguration of the testing stations, thus improving throughput and effectiveness of the system.

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The Basque (EUSKADI) CPPS experimentation

D5.5 - Euskadi Regional Ecosystem Business Assessment and Recommendations

This document provides the assessment of the final results achieved in the Champion experimentation (EUSKADI), including a description of the defined Business Performance Indicators (BPIs) measured. The results achieved during the process, the lessons learned and recommendations for the implementation of CPPS are also documented.

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The Baden-Württemberg CPPS experimentation

D6.5 - Baden Wuerttemberg Regional Ecosystem Business Assessment and Recommendations

This document includes the first sessions of business assessment (M15) complemented by a further analysis for lessons learned and recommendations. In particular, the experimentations performed at John Deere are reported and the final achieved results are assessed and measured according to specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Finally, key lessons learnt and useful recommendations for a CPS adoption in SMEs are compiled.

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The Norte CPPS experimentation

D7.5 Norte Regional Ecosystem Business Assessment and Recommendations

D7.5 report includes the first sessions of business assessment (M15 – January 2017) complemented by a further analysis for lessons learned and recommendations. Three experiments were prepared and put in operation at KYAIA: Access sensors on footwear production lines (Exp#1), Diagnostic and predictive maintenance (Exp#2) and Production monitoring (Exp#3).

These experimentations are reported and the final achieved results are assessed and measured according to specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Finally, key lessons learned and useful recommendations for CPS adoption in SMEs are reported.

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The Rhône-Alpes CPPS experimentation

D8.5 Rhône-Alpes Regional Ecosystem Business Assessment and Recommendations

D8.5 report includes the first sessions of business assessment (M15 – January 2017) complemented by a further analysis for lessons learned and recommendations.The report contains an overview of the industrial champion for the Rhône-Alpes (now called Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) region and continues to explain the experimentation plan, detailing each one of the executed experiments up to M15. The final achieved results are assessed and measured according to specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The report specifies the business requirements yet to be addressed by the pilot in the second iteration. Finally the business assessment complemented by a further analysis for key lessons learnt and useful recommendations for CPS adoption in SMEs are reported.

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BEinCPPS Innovation Management and KETs Impact Methodology

D9.1 BEinCPPS Innovation Management and Methodology

The present deliverable focuses on the third pillar of the BEinCPPS mission and it takes a business-oriented perspective. Specifically, it outlines:

• the methodology developed in order to instantiate a Regional Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub in CPS/IoT in the 5 Vanguard regions belonging to the project;

• the approaches and activities undertaken in order to develop three sets of services for facilitating manufacturing SMEs’ migration towards Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), namely: a) the CPPS readiness assessment, covering both technology and manufacturing related aspects, as well as social and economic ones; b) the CPPS academy and certification program; c) the CPPS experimental facilities.

D9.4 - D9.2a BEinCPPS Innovation Assets and Tools

The present deliverable concerns the innovation assets and tools of BEinCPPS. The first two sections focus on the Regional Manufacturing DIHs. Section 1 details the results of the application of the methodology outlined in deliverable D9.1 to the 5 Vanguard Regions of the project. Section 2 provides a brief description of each of the 10 candidate Regional Manufacturing DIHs in CPS/IoT mentored and coached by BEinCPPS. The last two sections of deliverable D9.4 focus on i) the Industry 4.0 self-assessment tool, and ii) the certification and academy programme, which are to be used to help manufacturing companies in their digital transformation. Section 3 presents the Industry 4.0 self-assessment tool and Section 4 finally discusses the certification and academy programme.

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BEinCPPS Dissemination, Communication, Training / Education

D10.1 BEinCPPS Dissemination and Impact Awareness Action Plan

The deliverable D10.1 is the first report of the Work package 10 “BEinCPPS Dissemination, Communication, Training/ Education”. It outlines the dissemination and impact awareness strategy. Furthermore it reports on the performed actions and achieved results until M18 (April 2017) and presents the action plan for the subsequent period M19 (May 2017) -M36 (October 2018).

D10.4 BEinCPPS Education and Training Plan including Collective Awareness

The successful adoption and implementation of digital innovations in manufacturing companies and the full realization of Cyber-Physical Produztion Systems (CPPS) bring an associated need for new knowledge and skills. In this respect, the aim of BEinCPPS task 10.4 is to address the knowledge and skill needs of both current and future manufacturing employees and managers. It is done by means of Education actions as well as Training actions. Accordingly, the present deliverable describes the education and training actions the project partners performed until April 2017 (M18) and the education and training plan for the future period May 2017 – October 2018 (M19-M36).

D10.5 BEinCPPS Education and Training Plan including Collective Awareness

The successful adoption and implementation of digital innovations in manufacturing companies and the full realization of Cyber-Physical Produztion Systems (CPPS) bring an associated need for new knowledge and skills. In this respect, the aim of BEinCPPS task 10.4 is to address the knowledge and skill needs of both current and future manufacturing employees and managers. It is done by means of Education actions as well as Training actions. Accordingly, the present deliverable describes the education and training actions the project partners performed until April 2017 (M18) and the education and training plan for the future period May 2017 – October 2018 (M19-M36).

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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

© 2019 by BEinCPPS

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