Event-Data Processing
Dynamic CEP for CPPS
Human Computer
3D Visualization Services for CPPS
Assets Registry for CPPS
Task Orchestration for CPPS
Context Broker
IoT Middleware and Device Management
CPPS Publishing Services
CPPS Messaging Services
Embedded CEP for CPPS
Deterministic Communication for CPPS
CPPS Communication
Wireless Communication for CPPS

The BEinCPPS Open Platform for CPPS is a blended toolbox where CPPS developers and system integrators could find easy-to-integrate and easy-to-deploy hardware-software assets for building CPPS-based advanced applications. The software assets of the toolbox are all Open Source licensed components and can be grouped in 6 main categories, as indicated by the picture above . Two groups are concerned with the CPSsisation of production systems and in particular with the improvement of their communication capability (in the direction of wired and wireless communication) and of their elaboration capability (in the sense of distributed automation and fast complex event processing). Two other groups are more related to Events Processing and are implemented by OPC-UA enabled IOT middleware and device management components (one based on FIWARE and its publishing architecture; one based on OPENIOT and its messaging architecture). The final two groups are concerned with Human-centered Manufacturing and in particular with Human-Computer Interaction components (for on-the-fly mashup of widgets and for advanced visualization and synchronization of complex 3D objects) and Ecosystem Collaboration (tangible and intangible Assets Management as well as collaborative business processes management).
The BEinCPPS foreground Components (dark orange) have been developed and tested during the course of the project. The BEinCPPS background components (light orange) description is available in FIWARE Catalogue (https://catalogue.fiware.org/) and OPENIOT portal (http://www.openiot.eu/).

Mauro Isaja (ENGINEERING) mauro.isaja@eng.it; for individual components, see the contacts below
Dynamic Complex Event Processing for CPPS – contact: Nenad Stojanovic (NISSATECH) nenad.stojanovic@nissatech.com
3D Visualisation Services – contact: Klaus Fischer (DFKI) klaus.fischer@dfki.de
Task Orchestration for CPPS – contact: Antonio Jara (HOPU) jara@ieee.org
Assets Registry for CPPS – contact: Mauro Isaja (ENGINEERING) mauro.isaja@eng.it
CPPS Messaging Services – contact: Giacomo Inches (FINCONS) giacomo.inches@finconsgroup.com
CPPS Publishing Services – contact: Mauro Isaja (ENGINEERING) mauro.isaja@eng.it
Micro Complex Event Processing for CPPS – contact: Nenad Stojanovic (NISSATECH) nenad.stojanovic@nissatech.com
TSN Enabled 4DIAC Real Time Environment for Distributed Automation Systems – contact: Alois Zoitl (FORTISS) alois.zoitl@fortiss.org
WSN (Wireless Communication) for CPPS – contact: David Todoli (ITI) dtodoli@iti.es
- Open IOT assets
CPPS Messaging Services
The CPPS Messaging Services (by Fincons) make possible the interaction with the OpenIoT middleware from the IoT devices on the shopfloor or the application in the Cloud. The supported protocols are OPC-UA and AMQP, web-socket on request. The OPC-UA wrapper is a JavaScript (JS) wrapper based on Node.js, while the AMQP wrapper is Java based.
- FIWARE assets
Assets Registry for CPPS
Asset Registry for CPPS (AR4CPPS, by ENG) is the implementation of a knowledge base of virtualized assets (VA). VAs are OWL2-based formal descriptions of any item of interest in the physical world that needs to be digitally represented within a BEinCPPS-based system – in particular, factory equipment. AR4CPPS exposes a web API that can be used by design-time tools to access a common online repository of specifications of factory equipment. Moreover, it is integrated with the FIWARE Context Broker, exposing VAs as NGSI read-only contexts: FIWARE-based applications can then interact with the factory equipment knowledge base - typically for site management purposes.
Exploitation channel
ENG enterprise commercial channels
FIWARE Foundation
Dynamic CEP for CPPS
Dynamic CEP for CPPS (by NissaTech) is the new generation of the complex event processing systems, which enables the representation and the detection of very complex situations of interests.
Due to its layered structure, it can represent dynamic situations, usually by combining model- and data-driven modelling.
Exploitation channel
The asset will be offered as a service (hosted in the cloud)
Task Orchestration for CPPS
Task Orchestration for CPPS (by HOPU) is a Collaborative Business Process Management implemented on the basis of FITMAN-CBPM and Activiti, which were extended by HOPU to support also IoT interactions (beyond the users interactions and IT connectors). Thereby, it is able to launch processes based on data-driven events as part of the interconnection with the field-level platform (HOMARD). It is a web-based, integrated platform for the semantically-enhanced design, execution and monitoring of Business Processes in the scope of service-oriented Manufacturing Ecosystems. Targeted at the Virtual Factory domain, and based on open standards like Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0, it is delivered as a web portal in order to maximize its collaborative nature.
The Task Orchestration for CPPS provides a web portal-based container in which the core component can be accessed by users of a distributed organization, such as Virtual Enterprises in the typical Virtual Factory scenario.
Exploitation channel
Task Orchestration for CPPS is one of the key enablers for the collaboration and integration of industrial processes in order to exploit the BeinCPPS platform and integrate into the daily needs from the industries (processes)
CPPS Publishing Services
CPPS Publishing Services (by ENG) is the FIWARE gateway for Cyber-Physical Production Systems provided by the BEinCPPS platform. It enables the integration of shopfloor machines and devices into FIWARE-based manufacturing services and applications, using the publish/subscribe pattern for the exchange of data between the Field, Factory and Cloud levels of the BEinCPPS reference architecture. Shopfloor hardware is required to support a OPC UA interface, exposing a specific Address Space: the CPPS Publishing Services component will map the Address Space to a NGSI context published on a FIWARE Context Broker instance.
Exploitation channel
ENG enterprise commercial channels
FIWARE Foundation
3D Visualization Services
The 3D Visualization services (Dinamic visualization and Interaction – DyVisual) asset (by DFKI) is based on the FI-WARE generic enablers (GE) for 3D-UI, i.e. XML3D (http://xml3d.org/), and DFKI’s implementation of the synchronization GE FiVES (https://github.com/fives-team/fives). XML3D is specialized for the visualization of 3D content in Web pages. For 2D content other technologies like for example http://d3js.org/ are available. Since XML3D can be seamlessly integrated with HTML5, XML3D can combine 3D content with any other content in HTML5 which is provided by other tools. The 3D Visualization services asset implemented in BEinCPPS is based on DyVisual, which has been extended by a scene parser plugin to simplify the deployment of new scenes for the support of BEinCPPS experiments.
Exploitation channel
National and European research programmes.
- SS platform and SAE
Deterministic Communication for CPPS
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is the set of IEEE 802 Ethernet sub-standards that describe several mechanisms for improved or even guaranteed real-time delivery of Ethernet traffic. TTT has developed a first reference implementation of TSN capable switches for the industrial domain.
Exploitation Channel:
exploited upon approaching the well established customer base of TTTech & TTControl.
Wireless Communication for CPPS
The purpose of the Wireless Communication for CPPS (by ITI) , delivered as a firmware + software solution for compatible hardware, is to provide wireless communication capabilities to sensors and non-critical actuators. The WSN can deploy wireless nodes fast and easy to install and operate, locating sensors (or even actuators) where they are needed. This WSN offers then a less expensive and more versatile solution for applications with non-critical communication requirements
Exploitation Channel:
The most suitable channels will be:
• A modern and complete webpage for the asset
• Inclusion in the Industry 4.0 portfolio of ITI
• Organization of workshops with potential clients and show demonstrations
Embedded CEP for CPPS
Embedded CEP (by NissaTech) for CPPS is the framework for for deploying and running CEP application in the resource-constrained devices (like Raspberry pi). It is a very thin application that runs on an embedded system which has installed operating system with java virtual machine. The system should have network connection for deploying application and sending alarms. It can be used for a complex edge processing in the shop-floor
Exploitation Channel:
The exploitation will be oriented towards companies active in Industry 4.0, which wants to increase reactivity on the Edge. Exploitation channels: industrial networks, exhibitons