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Manufacturing DIH

The DIH is immersed in the Automotive Intelligence Centre (AIC) network of international partners in the automotive Sector. The Euskadi DIH mission consists on ensuring that every partner can fully benefit from digital opportunities (Technical support, Infrastructure, trainings, market intelligence…) on the following competences:


  • Industrial IoT & CPPS

  • Zero Defect Manufacturing

  • Business Digitisation

  • Big Data & 3D Mobile Visualization

  • Cybersecurity and Digital Trust



The Euskadi DIHub is coordinated by Innovalia Association.

à The Innovalia Association is a private and independent technological centre whose primary objective is to foster technological innovation in small and medium companies.




The involved members of the Euskadi DIH are related with the AIC members (approx. 30 STAKEHOLDERS):


  • Car builders.

  • Foreign multinationals.

  • Basque companies.

  • Research centers.

  • Engineering firms.

  • Training centers.

  • Cluster (industry group).



Automotive Job & Talent Day – 20-21/04/18

Innovalia Metrology was part of the Automotive Job & Talent Day, organized in the AIC of Boroa. Acicae - Automotive Cluster of Euskadi, with the support of AIC - Automotive Intelligence Center launched the first Automotive Job & Talent Day in the automotive sector, whose main objective was to facilitate the entry to the market of those people in search of employment, with special attention to the young collective, as well as attracting talent for the automotive sector.

For the Job&Talent Day, more than 1,500 people attended o the event.


ACICAE Automotive sector Open Day - 21/04/18

Acicae - Automotive Cluster of Euskadi, with the support of AIC - Automotive Intelligence Center launched the third Automotive Open Day where many different activities, workshops and visits were developed for all ages, letting that the whole family could enjoy the day.

For this event, Innovalia Metrology opened it´s laboratory receiving more than 400 people interested on metrology solutions.

During this day, the AIC opened the doors to more than 1,500 attendees.



Alicia Gonzalez

+34 946510157

AIC member

Powered by: Politecnico di Milano | School of Management - Manufacturing Group

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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

© 2019 by BEinCPPS

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