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Homard IoT Device Management for CPPS - HOPU

Homard IoT Device Management for CPPS provided by HOPU is a platform for the OMA LwM2M protocol. It extends the current architecture from BEinCPPS to offer functionalities for device management, i.e., remote maintenance, firmware upgrade and open/standard APIs for information reporting, this tool is combined with the Device URL Manager service. This service is the key component of the Industrial Physical Web solution offered to provide accessible and intuitive user interfaces.

HOMARD is a device management platform for the OMA LwM2M protocol (by HOPU) . It extends the current IoT architecture from BEinCPPS to offer they functionalities for device management, i.e., remote maintenance, firmware upgrade and open/standard APIs for information reporting. 

Exploitation channel

The exploitation channels will be through different events such as the FIWARE Summit, IoT World Expo etc. in order to make it visible.

At the same time, classical exploitation channels such as our sales and marketing force to promote it in our region with local factories.

Finally, joint ventures with other companies working in the domain as consultants. 


i-LiKe Machines - Holonix

I-LiKe Machines for CPPS is a solution for monitoring and supporting maintenance of industrial machines but also of complex production system.

Data can be either collected from PLC or from IoT sensors by using different protocols like OPC-UA or ModBus for machine level while MQTT and HTPP for cloud level.

In the case of simple IoT sensorial node, data can be obtained from electrical signals and they can  concentrated into a specific simpler hardware, which is a solution easier than reading the data from the PLC.

Data are used to create the current and historical status of the machine and also to trigger a condition based maintenance system.

This asset (by HOLONIX) consists of a set of APIs that offer access to CPPS data managed by the iLike Machines for supporting monitoring and maintenance of machines.

Exploitation channel:

BEinCPPS adopters are the first channels of exploitation to reach developers interested in using the APIs to access and use the data in the iLiKe Machines and to create new services, such as predictive maintenance or advanced analytics modules.  

Furthermore, since the asset is integrated into the existing iLike Machines commercial solution of Holonix, the exploitation will be done using the commercial structure and services of the company.


Industrial Physical Web

Device URL Manager (by HOPU) is the key component of the Industrial Physical Web solution offered to provide accessible and intuitive user interfaces. In details, the Device URL manager is used to administrate the URL broadcasted / transmitted by the devices; this URL can be issued by BLE or Wi-Fi direct and must be coded with the Eddystone URL protocol from Google.

Exploitation channel

The exploitation channels will be through different events such as the FIWARE Summit, IoT World Expo etc. in order to make it visible.

At the same time, classical exploitation channels such as our sales and marketing force to promote it in our region with local factories.

Finally, joint ventures with other companies working in the domain as consultants. 

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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

© 2019 by BEinCPPS

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