Rhône-Alpes Manufacturing DIH

The mission of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes RMDIH is to become the one-stop shop for SMEs in the plastics manufacturing center for innovation in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Two competence centers are founding members of this hub, namely CEA for cyber-physical systems and CT-IPC as a plastics manufacturing technology center.

10 Manufacturing Industries (9 SMEs)
4 Industry 4.0 Solution Providers (3 SMEs)
3 Research Organizations & Universities
1 Regional Official Institutions
5 Other Organizations
Workshop “industry of the future: the challenges for my industrial enterprise”, Lyon, France, November 7th 2017
CEA organized, in conjunction with the actors of the Regional Manufacturing DIH, a workshop with the objective of informing regional industries about Industry 4.0, within the scope of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The goal was to share some success stories of regional actors who already deployed some I4.0 technologies and listen to the challenges they faced, concretely regarding digital manufacturing platforms. George Pernoud’s E-Tooling, developed as one of the 5 core pilots of BEinCPPS, was showcased in a live demo from the experimentation facilities of the DIH.

Juan Cadavid (CEA) juan.cadavid@cea.fr
Bertrand Fillon (CT-IPC) bertrand.fillon@ct-ipc.com
Valentin Charreton (PERNOUD) v.charreton@pernoud.com

You will receive the BEinCPPS diagnostic report and get in touch with the Digital Innovation Hub.