This BEinCPPS experiment is implemented at John Deere, an international market leader for agriculture machinery
The focus of the experiment is on a worker based assembly process and the variations of the products to be assembled. In order to support the worker we introduce CPS that indicate parts necessary for the current order. The Pick by X system, which is introduced, does not only support the workers but also reduces the integration effort of support solutions for picking.
CPS-based pick by X system for worker assistance
Main objectives of the Experiment
Reducing human mistakes in manual assembly processes
Minimize errors and consequently non value adding activities
Shortening ramp up phase of new employees
Reducing effort in providing appropriate working instructions
The KPI to be measured is the first pass yield meaning the rate of products produced without errors.
The business impact of errors in the experimentation area have a strong link to the moment an error is detected. If an error is detected early in the production process, the costs will be low and vice versa. This means that at first errors should be eliminated at all. If this is not possible, a quality gate will help to detect errors early and give the worker an indication to do rework.
Main results expected to achieve in the Experiment
Providing platform for vendors of manual work support software
Easy integration of new technology supporting workers on the shop floor
Reducing human caused errors in manual assembly processes
Earlier detection of errors
Reducing costs of errors happening in manual assembly processes