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Lombardy Regional Manufacturing DIH

The Lombardy Regional Manufacturing DIH mission is to foster connections between all key relevant regional stakeholders (competence centers, companies, users and suppliers, technology experts and investors) able to boost Industry 4.0 revolution and facilitating Lombardy SMEs access to EU-wide markets.  The Hub is thought as an ecosystem connecting all regional key stakeholders that support Digital Technologies (DT) diffusion and adoption considering all the specific regional specializations (e.g. aerospace, electromechanical, textile, …). The activities will be led by AFIL “Digital and Virtual Factory” working group, which supports stakeholders’ matchmaking and networking, promotes the results achieved by the hub supporting SMEs digitalization process. The long-term vision of the Regional Manufacturing DIH is to increase employment and competitiveness of Lombardy manufacturing industry.



The Lombardy Regional Manufacturing DIH is coordinated by AFIL, the Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association that is the technological cluster for Advanced Manufacturing.





  • 27 Manufacturing Industries

  • 20 Industry 4.0 Solution Providers

  • 7 Research Organisations & Universities

  • 5 Regional Official Institutions

  • 9 Other Organisations



KICK-OFF MEETING - 20 January 2017 , Milan

The event involved 43 participants, engaging 22 enterprises, 4 universities and 3 regional institutions.  During the meeting, a questionnaire was spread among the participants to collect their interest in digital technologies and in services proposed by the Lombardy Regional Manufacturing DIH.


“Industry 4.0 and real cases of digitalization” – 30th  March 2017, Bergamo

According to the stakeholders needs, this event was addressed to the presentation of companies having digitalized their business. After an introduction of the National Plan policies and of the Fiware Open Source Platform, the cases of ABB, Cosberg and Leonardo Elicotteri were presented.


“From users to offer: the solutions for the Intelligent factory” – 6th June 2017, Milan

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the solutions offered to support the intelligent factory. A round table was organized to show some of the main available solutions on the market as a springboard to discuss the main difficulties, especially for SMEs, to digitalize their business.  SAP, Dedagroup, IBM and Alleantia were introduced as real cases.


ICT Forum 2017 – 17th October 2017, Bergamo

AFIL organized, in collaboration with Agomir, the ICT forum in Kilometro Rosso, a technological and innovation district located in Bergamo.

Companies and professionals shared ideas and considerations on the ongoing issues related to new digital technologies and their impact on the working field.


Infoday – 20th February 2018, Bergamo

An infoday was organized to raise awareness on the available funding opportunities on the topic of digitalization, at a regional, national and European level. The MIDIH Open Call 1 was also introduced.


Itinerant “D&V Working Group” @ROLD – 28th March 2018, Milan

According to companies’ interest in directly meet Industry 4.0 solutions, a workshop at Elettrotecnica Rold was organized. The company introduced Smart Fab, a Digital manufacturing Platform to monitor production processes. The event was the occasion for sharing ideas on the topic.



Sergio Gusmeroli (

Marta Pinzone (

Fabiana Pirola (

Marzia Morgantini (



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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

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