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The BEinCPPS experiment for Pernoud Company is based on tree pillars. The first pillar is following the evolution of injection machines which evolve from hydraulic to electric. That means that hydraulic movements in mold have to evolve to electric too.

The second one is to acquire data from inside the mold. The mold today is almost a black box and we want to know what happened inside. So different sensors (temperature, pressure, stress…) are used and the data produced are analyzed for detecting deviations and launching alerts when it is needed. All data are stored on a cloud and the values of all sensors are visible everywhere in the world. This data also allows understanding issue on the mold (design issue or bad handling).

The last pillar is the long term analysis of all data acquired. This long term analysis allows us to detect in advance any issue and avoid it.

Smart and autonomous moulding for high precision

Main objectives of the Experiment

  • Reduce the Energy consumption

  • Optimize the Overall Effectiveness Equipment (reduce scrap rate, reduce maintenance phases…)

  • Increase  flexibility for mold design

  • Reduce guarantee cost

Main results expected to achieve in the Experiment

Main result expected is to manufacture a demonstrator of the smart tool. This demonstrator will allow us to show to our clients how to optimize easily their cost, quality and delay for their production and our capacities to replace hydraulic actuators by electric ones.

Powered by: Politecnico di Milano | School of Management - Manufacturing Group

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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

© 2019 by BEinCPPS

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