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What was the Call about?


BEinCPPS Call-1 targeted the development of IT application experiments that address advanced added value production process and systems, which incorporate Cyber Physical Systems. It aimed at complementing existing experiments currently running in the BEinCPPS five Industrial Hubs under the following five categories:

  1. CPS-based Big Data Analytics for production planning and optimisation

  2. CPS-based Production Process Ramp-up and Commissioning

  3. CPS-based Energy Efficient Manufacturing

  4. CPS-based Workplace, Training and Human Machine Interaction

  5. CPS-based sensors data acquisition and management

Proposal period for Call 1 opened on May 2nd 2016 and closed on June 15th 2016.



The following winners, which complement the experimental facilities in five different categories, were presented in October 2016:






















From October 2016 on all winners have been executing for a 12-month period. The overall budget is up to 800.000€ in total.

Powered by: Politecnico di Milano | School of Management - Manufacturing Group

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BEinCPPS is a FoF PPP project

BEinCPPS is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant agreement n° 680633

© 2019 by BEinCPPS

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